
We organize exhibitions of contemporary art and design, drawing on the work of artists across media and continents. Group exhibitions probe trends that we identify as reflective of current provocative concerns. One-person exhibitions present the work of artists known and emerging. We develop exhibitions that respond to and are catalyzed by the permanent collections of museums, or respond to museum’s identified priorities. Art, design and architecture are the realms in which we work. We are ready to develop and implement existing exhibition concepts as well as propose our own.


We recognize the critical role of the exhibition catalogue and related publications, as documents of the presentation, as a means to explore subjects inspired by the exhibition, and finally, as a vehicle for reaching an audience beyond visitors to the institution. We conceive the content and visual program for catalogues and write critical essays. We commission scholars, critics and specialists in all fields — reaching from novelists to scientists — for written contributions. We also write critical essays. We act as content editors and advisors, select and collaborate with graphic designers to develop the visual form of the publication, and coordinate its production.

Didactic Materials

The explication and interpretation of works of arts is critical to the accessibility of an exhibition. We write clear, jargon-free wall texts and extended labels that consider the meanings of the works on view, pose questions, and place the objects in the context of the artist’s overall enterprise, art history and the ideas of the given exhibition.


Imaginative programming, from involvement of the exhibiting artists to facilitated discussions, film series, performances and lectures, enriches the experience of an exhibition for a community. We develop programming to enlarge the audience and deepen its involvement with the ideas offered and explored in the exhibition. We meet with docent groups to assist them in developing approaches that will reach their public.


We are eager to share our ideas and experiences as guest lecturers. Museum and community groups and students in colleges and art schools are enthusiastic learners. Informal gallery talks and formal illustrated presentations are two popular formats.

Guided Travel

We plan and conduct guided trips to art fairs, biennials and other national and international exhibitions that occur from Miami to Madrid. We ensure that the experience is focused, informed and fun. We plan the content of such trips while the institution handles the logistics of travel and lodging.

Collection Building

Collecting works of art is the passionate and programmatic pursuit of many individuals and institutions. We help define and articulate priorities, identify pertinent works, negotiate the acquisition process, connect and serve as liaison to collectors, artists, dealers and auction houses.

Commissioned Work

As part of exhibitions, collection building and new construction, the creation of a work of art for a specific sight or situation is an exciting undertaking. We invite artists to work with patrons to establish the parameters, process and production of the highly visible project.