Food & Drink of DDW15 & La Biennale di Venezia

We went for the art and design… but needed fuel to keep us going. Here are a few favorites from an exciting adventure to Dutch Design Week and the Venice Biennale.   Amsterdam     Eindhoven, Dutch Design Week   Venice, Biennale

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Westward Ho: Four days, four museums and a journey back to the future

This east-coast curator headed west this month, to the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art to represent c2 at the opening of MetaModern. The show looked strong and fresh in this second stop on the tour, thanks to curator Emily Stamey’s vision and the SMoCA installation team.   On Friday I made the rounds to the museums in the […]

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New York in May: Musings on our curatorial red carpet, Frieze, and the New Whitney

The Academy Awards, the Tony’s, the Grammy’s, and…. the Association of Art Museum Curators Awards for Excellence. Yes, it’s a thing. And better yet, c2 proudly accepted an award for StereoType, the exhibition developed for the Boston Society of Architects last Fall, and now touring to museums in Florida, New York and Indiana. The award […]

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March Madness

For us it has to do with the annual art fairs in New York. And this year, we were able to piggy back meetings around Coded_Couture  to insure that our time was packed. It was! Despite a crippling snowstorm, we were able to achieve all of our goals, clad in winter gear. Our adventure began […]

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Believe the Type, er Hype! StereoType opens next month!

BEWARE: this post is sprinkled with bad typography puns. We were pretty surprised to see how many of these graphic design puns were out there. Perhaps it’s a reaction to so many amateur designers giving it a go? Having the design tools at your disposal does not make one a graphic designer. This genre of […]

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MetaModern Progress Report

Only four more months until MetaModern opens…meaning the entire team – curators, editors, designers, installers – is in high gear. Krannert, c2, Practise and Rice+Lipka Architects – has lots going on.   THE TOURAnd what a tour, largely the result of cold calls made on the basis of hunches and a few continuing long and […]

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What I Did On My Summer Vacation

When we were kids, the three months of summer seemed to last forever. Weeks of camp, adventures and freedom seemed endless. That was then. How can it be September already? Here’s how:   JUNE College reunion time brought me, as trailing spouse, to the new and bar-setting Wellin Museum, at Hamilton College in Clinton, New […]

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c2 Sees Spots

Three days in NYC. Seven museums. Thousands of polka dots… Blame it on Sophie Calle, who … “wore three layers of polka-dot shirts (black-and-white beneath blue-and-white and red-and-white)” when interviewed for The New Yorker magazine, June 23.                  

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MetaModern in the Home Stretch

Over the last four years, we’ve seen the work of artists who incorporate iconic modernist designs into their work using recombinations and modifications resulting in an entirely unique mix––or meta-modernism. Meta meaning beyond, changed, self-reverential, abstracted from another concept. With these new configurations, MetaModern artists are making original works of art that comment on the […]

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Ginger presents a Pecha Kucha at the AAMC conference

At the recent Association of American Art Curators meetings in Detroit, in my very first PechaKucha, I presented the exhibition proposal for Guilty Pleasures shaping the discussion around the three organizing themes in the show: Self-Indulgence, Irony and Judgment. Response to the talk was lively, to match the pretty courageous  approach I took –why does an […]

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